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Under New Management Page 7
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Page 7
Jack and Lou are getting on famously. An inebriated Lou can’t believe he is sitting with her and she is lapping up every minute.
Jack is impressed. He didn’t expect to find a pretty available girl here tonight. He thought he’d be stuck chatting to boring old people all night.
Lou is funny. Pretty drunk, but funny. He likes that.
Given that he wasn’t looking forward to the evening it is turning out surprisingly well.
Seeing Mollie again was great and it’s looking highly likely that he’s going to get a bloody good shag out of it into the bargain. Yes, a very satisfactory evening. He gives Lou a mega kilowatt smile and watches her melt, as expected. ‘Still got it’, Jack thinks smugly.
Mollie is rotating between dancing as if her life depends on it, and rushing back to the table to help herself to the bottles of cheap champagne.
Bloody typical, she can’t believe Jack is here.
She hasn’t told the rest of the family. She can’t be doing with the inevitable excitement. Her dad and Dan especially got on really well with Jack. They didn’t need her help pointing him out. They would see him eventually; could hardly miss him in a barn.
For now she wanted to forget he was here.
What a shame about that Kieran bloke as well. He’s hot, but clearly has his head stuck up his own arse.
Mollie hasn’t got time for more blokes with issues. Blokes full stop. Maybe she should just stay single for a while, have a few one night stands with no strings and enjoy it. Perhaps she should take that Andy bloke back to Lou’s and shag his brains out, why the hell not?
Speaking of Lou, Mollie glances around the barn seeking out her friend. She spots her in the far corner laughing with Jack. Mollie smiles to herself; well at least Lou will be happy tonight. Mollie frowns, the only problem is that Jack was never the most reliable of blokes. From past knowledge, Mollie expects that he would make Lou feel like ‘the one’ during the evening, get her into bed and be gone in the morning.
No point trying to tell Lou that though, and what did Mollie know anyway? That was years ago, maybe he’d changed.
Either way Lou was old enough to make her own decisions, she was hardly looking for another wedding.
Mollie sniggers drunkenly to herself. Lou had indulged in more one night stands than Mollie had had hot dinners. She was a professional. Lou knew exactly what she was doing and if you were going to indulge in a one nighter why not go for the best looking specimen available?
Mollie mentally high fives her mate and puts it out of her mind. She concentrates on her dad as he grabs her arm to join him in a jive.
Chapter 9
The band make a meal out of the last bars of Jail House Rock and Kieran notices a troupe of waiters and waitresses, all wearing identical black and white uniforms, emerge from a back room bearing trays of food. In a perfectly formed line they march round the large dressed buffet tables and deposit their trays.
Without breaking rank they return smoothly into the back room. By the time they have finished the tables are groaning under the weight. It appears dinner is served. The lead member of the band asks for a round of applause from the would-be diners. As the lighting is turned up he informs the audience that they are to please help themselves, and that the disco will be back on in an hour.
The guests applaud loudly and start to form an orderly queue: the DJ flips a switch and music drifts out, but at a manageable level. Checking his watch, Kieran notices that it is already nine thirty. He is surprised at where the time has gone.
Taking a large gulp of his lager he notices the noise level drop dramatically and searches for the cause. He finds it at the entrance.
There, in garish Cowboy outfits complete with PVC black full length chaps, waistcoats, stetsons and bandanas, are Mollie’s husband, whom he recognises from the week before, and he presumes, the boyfriend. They look like something out of the Village People and Kieran actually snorts with laughter causing the not yet swallowed drink to whoosh back out of his mouth and into his glass. He splutters and has a quick furtive look about to see if anyone has noticed but he needn’t have worried as everyone is gawping at the new arrivals.
Jim, Lindy, Dan and Julie are not ones to miss out on a buffet. They are also not ones for queuing. As soon as the waiters start their prancing (as Jim would describe it) they make their way nonchalantly towards the end of the table where the plates have been stacked. Mollie is being dragged by her father even though she doesn’t want food, only alcohol, but Jim is insistent that she eat something. The waiters complete their impressive performance and Liam the lead singer gives his speech. The plan has worked and they are at the front of the queue. They begin to move along the table adding mouth watering food to their plates. As they reach the quiche Mollie notices the room go ominously quiet. She glances round to see what is going on and then notices that the rest of her family, apart from Jim who is moving onto the new potatoes, are staring at the door.
Following the direction of their stares she is horrified to see David and Kevin standing arrogantly just inside the doorway wearing the most ridiculous costumes possible, given recent events. She feels her eyes widen and her mouth open.
Jim, pleased with his haul, turns from the table with his loaded plate and eventually notices the hush. He frowns and looks round to locate the cause of the silence and stifled sniggers. When his eyes rest upon David and Kevin standing bold as brass in the doorway looking as if they are off for a night out at the Blue Oyster Club, his anger ignites in approximately ten seconds.
Dan noticed the spectacle before the rest of the family; he nudged Julie in the ribs quietly to grab her attention and carefully put down his plate, his huge fists clenched at his sides. The cheeky bastards! Glancing over his shoulder he located his dad, who was oblivious at the end of the table. Dan knew that it would not be long before his dad saw what he was seeing and that would not be good. Dan needed to be ready.
Jim places his precious plate onto the nearest table whilst apologising to the occupants who are looking warily at him. They are locals and Jim has a reputation. This should be entertaining, as long as they were a safe distance from the action.
He marches towards David and Kevin purposefully, feeling rather than seeing Dan move to his side.
In deference to the Sedgwicks Jim takes a deep breath and keeps his seething anger under control. Eyeing David steadily he asks in an ominously controlled voice, “Dave, what do you think you are playing at?”
David and Kevin have visibly paled but both refuse to be intimidated. They love each other and if the locals can’t accept that, they would just have to get over it.
David and Kevin are now officially a couple and they want everyone to know and besides, David absolutely detests being called Dave. Jim has been doing that deliberately to wind him up for the past six years and David has had enough. The man is a bully. Now that he has Kevin to stick up for him he is going to stand up to Jim Brown once and for all.
Kevin is terrified, Jim and Dan Brown are not small men. They are well known for not taking any shit and both had been arrested on various occasions for fighting. Neither of them had ever been taken to court though; there had never been enough evidence. Perhaps tonight after he is dead the Police would get that evidence.
Kevin loved David; has done for the past eighteen months and he wants everyone to know it. He feels genuinely bad for Mollie but it has been seven weeks and as David pointed out, they couldn’t hide forever.
Kevin hadn’t planned tonight. In fact he hadn’t told David about the invitation. He had felt that this occasion was perhaps not the best one to choose for a coming out party, however David (when he found out about it) had thought it would be perfect.
On Wednesday night Kevin had thrown the invitation away when he got home from the station but David had found it. They had argued the rights and wrongs, the pros and cons and as usual, eventually David had won him round.
Kevin had even agreed to wear the ludicrous fancy dress o
utfits chosen by David. David had wanted to leave no one in any doubt of their new identities; it was supposed to be ironic.
What they definitely hadn’t been counting on was that they would be the only ones in fancy dress, which really was ironic. They also hadn’t counted on bright lighting, no loud music and being the centre of attention. They had deliberately arrived late as they wanted to give people a chance to settle in, have a few drinks, and be in a good mood. The plan was to blend in with the other party goers and not cause a stir.
He knew they looked a right pair of plonkers and now they had to face off with Jim and Dan.
Before David can answer, Kevin steps in with his policeman’s hat on, “Now look here Mr Brown, we don’t want any trouble. We have as much right to be here as anyone else and we have an invite,” he says nervously, his voice slightly high-pitched.
The entire room is mesmerised by the proceedings. People have slowly moved away from the food queue to a safe distance from the performance.
Mollie moves next to her brother and hisses at him, “Dan, do something, don’t let him kick off.” Dan just winks at her.
Before Jim can answer, Lord John steps in between them and directs his gaze at the latecomers. He knows all about it, not from Mollie of course, too discreet, but from the local gossip. This is intolerable, this is his party and he is not having it.
“David, Kevin, I would like you both to leave please.”
David splutters indignantly. “What? Lord John, we haven’t done anything wrong. They are the ones who are causing the trouble,” David points rudely at Jim and Dan. Jim snarls loudly at him and David steps back.
“David, this is my party, I say who stays. I will not have you making a spectacle of yourselves.” Lord John puffs out his chest to enforce his point.
David takes in Lord John’s words. Who does he think he is? Clearly he is referring to their costumes and, much more importantly, their sexuality. Typical upper classes, they can’t cope with being confronted with reality, yet they are the worst for it; all behind closed doors; keep it hidden like it’s something dirty. Well, David refuses to be treated like this. These people were the reason he had not felt able to be himself for the last sixteen years of his life, but not anymore. David is going to stick up for himself and the man he loves. Carried away by his own paranoia and insecurities he pulls himself upright and confronts Lord John.
“This is intolerable! You are throwing us out because we are gay? You can’t do that, there are discrimination laws you know for that sort of thing,” David blusters at him drunkenly. He’d consumed over half a bottle of whisky for Dutch courage, and mixed with the adrenalin it is starting to take effect.
Lord John actually goes slowly purple, he is so angry at the insult from David. Mollie is worried he may have a heart attack. “How dare you insult me in my own home! I am not interested in your sexual preferences, you ridiculous young man. I am asking you to leave out of respect for your wife. How dare you think you can come here to her staff party and disrespect her in public! That David is intolerable, please leave the premises immediately.”
David unfortunately is not to be moved. He has convinced himself of his own innocence: it has to be everyone else’s fault and he is not going to stand for it.
Kieran has moved through the gathered audience to the front and stands close to Jim. He is slightly sickened by the behaviour of these men and feels very sad for Mollie who is clearly mortified by the whole thing.
David gathers his defences and brushes off Kevin’s restraining hand, “She hasn’t shown me any respect, nor has her family,” he states as he points an accusing finger straight at Mollie. There is a united intake of breath from the entire room as they watch the proceedings unravel.
Jim loses his cool and throws himself at David with what can only be described as a growl. He wants to break that finger clean off and if he gets close enough that is exactly what he is going to do. Dan is too quick for him though and he grabs his dad around the chest and restrains him. Mollie, Julie and Lindy shriek in unison. Mollie grabs at her dad’s arm and keeps talking to him until he stops glaring with hatred at David.
Meanwhile Lord John has raised his voice to a thunderous roar, “She is your wife, you nasty little man. You should be ashamed, show some respect.”
Kieran steps in. He also fears for Lord John’s heart. The man is apoplectic with rage and rightly so. Jack has appeared by his side.
Moving up closer to David, Kieran speaks in a controlled authoritative voice, “I want both of you to leave, right now.”
David responds with, “Who the hell are you?”
Kieran moves his face very close to David’s and hisses, “I am the new owner, and you and your boyfriend are trespassing.”
David has had enough of the bullying behaviour. He shoves Kieran hard in the chest, which hardly moves Kieran but gives Jack licence to retaliate. Jack flies at David grabbing him by the shirt with both hands and shoves him powerfully away from his cousin. Unfortunately there is a little too much power behind the shove and David continues going, barging into the first food table which gives way under the added weight. David ends up lying on top of a God awful mess of tipped over food. He is covered in cold meats, coleslaw, rice and pasta.
The barn erupts into stunned laughter as Kevin goes over to help him up, but slips on some salad and ends up on top of David.
There are wails of horror from Lady Evelyn and Florrie as half the spectacular buffet is destroyed. Mollie bursts into tears and runs out of the door, followed by Lou. Kieran and Jack pull the two men out of the carnage.
Once they are upright, David starts to rant at Jack about doing him for assault and Lord John trumps him by telling the pair of them in no uncertain terms, “If you don’t leave the premises immediately I will be calling the Police and I will bring charges against you both for causing an affray, or whatever the term is. How will your Sergeant like that, Kevin?”
Kevin just wants to leave. The entire fiasco has been hugely embarrassing for him, especially with respected members of the community present to witness it. Dragging a still ranting David, they leave the barn, get into Kevin’s car and head back home. As soon as they get there Kevin intends to catch up with David and get very, very drunk.
Chapter 10
The room descends into chaos. Evelyn and Florrie are in tears, a blonde lady that Kieran assumes is Mollie’s mother rushes over to try and help to calm them. People are speaking and laughing loudly as they recount their individual take on events. Food is littered around the food table and the waiters stand snorting and laughing by the back door. Kieran takes control.
He puts the shaking Lord John into his mother’s capable hands and asks her to get the poor chap a drink. Marylyn, never one to make a drama out of a crisis, whisks Lord John off to the bar and demands two large brandies.
Kieran looks to his right and grimaces slightly as he watches Jack reuniting himself with Mollie’s father and, he assumes, brother. Clearly they know each other well. There is a lot of back slapping and hugging and Kieran feels another stab of jealousy. Giving himself a mental shake, he marches across to the waiters and offers them double pay if they restore the remaining food and clear the mess within ten minutes. They don’t need to be asked twice, as they swarm at the mess and begin frantically sorting it.
Kieran then jumps up onto the stage and asks the DJ for the microphone, which he uses to deliver a speech to the crowd. By the time he leaves the stage, people are retaking their seats or going to the bar while they wait for the food to be replenished. Order, it appears, is restored.
Now he needs to find Mollie. As he marches to the door he is met by Jim who holds out his hand to Kieran and the men shake hands.
“Thanks for that mate, sorry for the to-do,” Jim tells him sincerely.
“No problem, it wasn’t your fault. Do you mind if I go and find your daughter? I’m worried about her,” Kieran asks tactfully.
“No of course not, not at all, you go. She w
ould probably rather see you than me right now. She gets a bit funny about things when I kick off, not that I do it much you know.” Jim hastily points out.
Kieran smiles, “It’s fine. I don’t blame you, they were asking for it. Sorry that Jack stole your thunder.”
Jim laughs loudly, “Yea, well that’s Jack. Haven’t seen him in years; he hasn’t changed much. Broke our Mollie’s heart he did, but he wanted to go off and see the world. They were young, I never blamed him for it. Man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do, ain’t they? Nice to see him again, mind you. Him and our Dan were great mates when he was seeing Mollie. You never know, now they’re older and she’s finally rid of that twat of a husband, maybe they’ll start again.” Jim looks over indulgently at Dan and Jack who are clearly reliving memories and obviously overjoyed to have found each other again.
Kieran smiles tightly at Jim and shuffles past him, “Right yes, well, I’ll, umm go and find Mollie then; make sure she’s OK.” He heads for the door and away from the gushing father. Bloody Jack.
The cold air envelopes him as he leaves the barn and he shudders slightly. Mollie must be positively frozen in that dress. How long since she ran out? It must be ten minutes he thinks.
He hears a woman’s shout and heads in its direction across the gravel and towards the gardens where he’d walked the previous week. His eyes get accustomed to the darkness and he hears another shout. The woman is calling Mollie’s name. Must be her friend Lou.
“Hello, Lou, is that you?” Kieran calls out.
“Yes, I’m over here. Have you seen Mollie, I can’t find her?” Lou shouts back as she starts to totter back across the lawn towards the male voice.
Eventually they meet at the edge of the grass, “Do you know which way she went?” Kieran asks worriedly.
“Last seen running that way,” Lou points behind her. She is stammering slightly from the cold and swaying from the alcohol intake.
“You’re frozen. Why don’t you go and get a coat and warm up? I’ll see if I can find her.” Kieran says kindly as he gently steers her towards the barn.